Milutina Milankovića 7b, Belgrade
Over 30 years with you!


Responsible and compliant business practices are one of the key pillars of our company.

We require the highest standards of business ethics and integrity from our employees, management team and third parties, ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations and codes of the Pharma industry.

The role of the Compliance Department is to build, develop and improve the compliance system to achieve the company’s business objectives.

Our Compliance Policy regulates the following areas:

  • Prevention of corruption
  • Interaction with healthcare professionals
  • Competition protection
  • Conflict of interest
  • Personal data protection
  • Adherence to trade sanctions
  • Prevention of money laundering
  • Reporting non-compliance

Protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially their right to personal data protection, is one of our core principles. We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures, including the latest technologies, to safeguard personal data.

Everyone is encouraged to ask questions about the compliance system and to report any suspected violations of the Compliance Policy. Each report is taken seriously and an internal investigation is conducted in accordance with applicable laws. Any form of threat or retaliation against individuals who report potential violations of the Compliance Policy in good faith is strictly prohibited.



Compliance Department

Vladimir Filipovski, Chief Compliance Officer


At Magna, our goal is to provide exceptional service, consistently exceeding the needs and expectations of our customers and healthcare institutions that use the products we supply.

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